A Web Tool for traders that allows viewing, managing and analysing the trades that were done by the end client. Divided into 3 main modules: Risk, Blotter and Whiteboard, a multi-tenant application helps to manage the risk of your trading books and offers your traders tools to execute systematic strategies.
Web Tool for Traders

We started with one full-stack developer and with the customer, we decided to start with the core functionality like risks analysis, P&L (profit and loss) and trades.
Having regular sync-ups with the customer we were able to communicate efficiently. With the extension of the project, it was decided to extend the team and build up new features.
The new functionality includes VaR (value at risks), IRM (Integrated risk management), Bilateral Trades, and whiteboards representing live prices and positions, quantity and risks; improved P&L calculation process, and other instruments and market instruments data integrations.
With the introduction of the additional features, the project received new funding opportunities and is continuously growing.
I’m happy with their whole team. The developers are knowledgeable and use state-of-the-art technology, which is necessary for a cloud-based platform like ours.
The most impressive thing is the quality of the developers provided by Honeycomb. All have been highly skilled professionals. Also, the responsiveness of our point of contact has been outstanding.
They are a very high proficiency team that can overcome any technical challenge. High learning skills, flexibility to change working days/hours in order to meet the deadlines.
Not only did they have excellent leadership, their staff genuinely cared about our project. It always felt like they wanted to help us reach our desired outcomes.
Honeycomb Software successfully met deadlines. The project was managed with excellent communication.
Their team was great.